
Petition to Adobe Systems Inc. for a COmmitment to Accessibility

One of the most frequently asked questions by VoiceOver users is some variation on, "When will we have access to Flash?" The answer has been, as far as we have been able to determine, that Adobe Systems Inc. has no plans to provide accessibility in Flash, or any of their other products for that matter, on the Mac OS X platform, citing a perceived lack of Mac users who would benefit from such accessibility.

Given the exponentially growing community of blind and visually impaired Mac OS X users, this statement is clearly unfounded. In a constructive attempt to make our voices heard, the Mac-cessibility Network is running its first petition. The ultimate goal of this effort is to obtain a commitment to, and implementation of, accessibility in Adobe’s Flash platform on the Mac OS X operating system, including support for the VoiceOver screen reading solution provided therein.

If you believe mainstream companies like Adobe should be offering accessibility in their products, as we do, we hope you will take just a moment to read and sign our Adobe Petition for Commitment to Action.

We plan on running this petition through the end of December. In January, we will present the petition to Adobe Systems Inc.

We also would encourage you to help spread the word to others, and ask them to sign the petition. For easy reference, the link to the petition is http://maccessibility.net/petition

We thank you for your support in this effort.