
The NFB Publishes a Second Look at VoiceOver

Last June, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) published a highly flawed and controversial review of VoiceOver and the accessibility of the Mac OS X platform. Shortly thereafter, we published an editorial discussing the article and the NFB’s "response" to criticism of the review.

Steve Sawczyn of ATMaine.com and our very own Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast wrote a rebuttal to the original article, which the NFB agreed to publish. You can read it here.

This is certainly a step in the right direction, although we still have concerns with the NFB’s unwillingness to admit its errors in the original article, but applaud the editor for accepting Steve’s piece and publishing it in the current edition of the Braille Monitor. We sincerely hope that, in future, the NFB will take more care to offer accurate information to its readers.