
Upcoming - A Special Question and Answer Edition of the Round Table Podcast

  • When? - 29/October/2011 1:00 PM ET, 10:00 AM PT
  • Who? - The Knights of the Round Table Podcast
  • What? - A special live recording of the Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast, where we answer questions from listeners on anything VoiceOver or Apple related.
  • Where? - You can listen live thanks to Steve Sawczyn of ATMaine.com, or download the podcast from our usual podcast feed afterward.
  • Why? - We hope to be able to help users find solutions to problems they have encountered, discuss topics of special interest to our listeners, etc.
  • How? - You can send questions in for consideration to ask at Maccessibility.net, or interact with us during the show via Twitter by including the hashtag #VOLive in your tweet.

We will answer as many questions as we can in the time we have. Not all questions are guaranteed to be answered, but we will keep unanswered questions on hand for future Q&A shows, and will produce more Q&A shows if our listeners find them useful.